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The news from the studio… Fall Newsletter 2013
Greetings – Here is the link to the Fall Newsletter 2013. I would also like to share this link to The Be The Kite website… we had a terrific time and spent a full day there during literacy week. We read the book with every class ages K-4, we had some drawing instruction and a drawing activity. I photographed many of their drawing and have posted their work on the website in the Young Artist’s Gallery. It was a lot of fun, in fact the 4th grade classes even got to fly kites as the breeze picked up in the afternoon.
We have been very busy here in the studio doing more membership websites, business cards & marketing materials, creative direction and consulting work. Look for some visual samples displayed here on the site in the coming week and until then please help us welcome the following groups LIVE to the internet: These sites are all mobile/tablet responsive, some have membership and monetize, some have dynamic slide shows, interactive event calendars, custom graphics and lots of quality branding and collateral materials to go along with their web presence (including social medias, email marketing campaigns and much much more). PS Intern Sophie has begun producing an awesome collection of tutorial videos for everyone too!
Goodster® has been updated and improved with mobile/tablet responsive design, new theme and awesome video content.
Additionally, here is a look at the shirts and bibs and mugs we were fortunate to have the opportunity to create for The Bluff 50K Trail Race last weekend too: Congrats to all of the runners and volunteers and especially the race director Jerry Turk! He really knows how to put on an outstanding event – all for preserving natural places in Connecticut and inspiring people to get outdoors! Well done everyone, we are fortunate to be a part of this amazing organization I love sponsoring it.
photo credits to Hillary aka SouperGirl, Jenny and Mr Bimble
Finally, we have finally gotten a new sign… 🙂
Welcome Sophie Caldwell to C & D Studios – YES!

Meet Sophie our new developer/designer in training. Sophie is many things here at the studio. She is a founding member & contributing editor at The SLAM, she is the amazing daughter of Lisa & Jack Caldwell from The Frame Shop on Wall Street and she was also immortalized in a commission portrait (drawing) I created many, many years ago of her when she was merely 2 years old, it was commissioned by her loving Grandfather Pete Somers. I will look for a photo of that drawing to show you- it was a creative rendering and expressive gesture. Sophie Caldwell is the new intern here at C & D Studios. She will be doing a lot of web and graphics training while building a cool new instructional video library on this website. We are creating a series of very short WordPress instructional screen-cast videos for everyone. She is also working hard at developing The SLAM which is in its infancy. We created some sweet T-Shirt designs today and prepared to feature more great artwork next week. Welcome Sophie!
Some Fun Racing Designs & Logos for 2013
Check out the graphic for The Bash 2013 10K trail race! The race directer always selects sport performance shirts and he keeps the logo smallish on the front. No sponsor logos on the T’s either. Very cool! It is a very challenging 10K race in Westwoods CT – a race and a running group very close to my heart! Go there now and sign up for the race… www.MrBimble.com
Here is a little preview of a version of my submission for Vermont 100… it is a contest so shhhhh! They usually use a lot of colors on their shirts and this logo is special for the 25th running of the epic event. I love this event and I even base my car purchase on it so that I can camp here, crew for my friends, see the horses, stay up all night, eat at the Vermont stores and just enjoy the vibe for an entire weekend. So fingers are crossed, but if my design is not selected I know it will still be a really fun time and a very special cause. Oh – did I mention the winning design has the option for a free entry into the race… 100 miles in under 30 hours – I wish? What?
One more to post here: This mother nature/tree design is from The Bluff 50K trail race 2012… seemed to be a popular design. Shirts, glass Pitchers and Pints were all included in the swag! The bright red shirts looked great with this imagery. Every year we include a detail of the red and white ribbons used to mark the course. The logo with the bird was from 2012 – it was featured on Navy performance racing shirts in white ink and was also created in a format for the finisher prizes that were metals. Awesome race with an outstanding RD and community, ok, I admit I am a bit biased but it is true!
Be The Kite! Book Signing – Kid’s Art Activities – Official Launch Event
Please join me at The Shore Line Trolley Museum for an event produced by The Shoreline Arts Alliance on Saturday September 22nd from 10-4.
We will be drawing with the kids, reading Be The Kite, publishing their artwork on the www.BeTheKite.com website, displaying our giant 3-D book, signing books, selling red diamond kites & books. Artists, Authors and musicians will be featured along with all the different trolleys – a fun day taking in the Arts, the outdoors, Trolleys, and more!
Friends please share this with families and friends that might be interested in this opportunity.