This was a re-design project for a local gourmet restaurant. We created their logo (because they were using old clip art – yikes) plus we created their new slogan: “Love what you eat!”. Their new html5 responsive website and set it up to Tweet the daily specials for them too! This is a well loved family restaurant and now their branding is both original and updated serving this family business and their total web presence. While one of Bradley & Wall’s Chefs is very computer savvy, limited training was required, we still provide their technical web maintenance program for them and will be here whenever they need web/graphic or technical support. We set them up with professional photography, art direction and some new design work for their business and their website.
The news from the studio… Fall Newsletter 2013
Greetings – Here is the link to the Fall Newsletter 2013. I would also like to share this link to The Be The Kite website… we had a terrific time and spent a full day there during literacy week. We read the book with every class ages K-4, we had some drawing instruction and a drawing activity. I photographed many of their drawing and have posted their work on the website in the Young Artist’s Gallery. It was a lot of fun, in fact the 4th grade classes even got to fly kites as the breeze picked up in the afternoon.
We have been very busy here in the studio doing more membership websites, business cards & marketing materials, creative direction and consulting work. Look for some visual samples displayed here on the site in the coming week and until then please help us welcome the following groups LIVE to the internet: These sites are all mobile/tablet responsive, some have membership and monetize, some have dynamic slide shows, interactive event calendars, custom graphics and lots of quality branding and collateral materials to go along with their web presence (including social medias, email marketing campaigns and much much more). PS Intern Sophie has begun producing an awesome collection of tutorial videos for everyone too!
Goodster® has been updated and improved with mobile/tablet responsive design, new theme and awesome video content.
Additionally, here is a look at the shirts and bibs and mugs we were fortunate to have the opportunity to create for The Bluff 50K Trail Race last weekend too: Congrats to all of the runners and volunteers and especially the race director Jerry Turk! He really knows how to put on an outstanding event – all for preserving natural places in Connecticut and inspiring people to get outdoors! Well done everyone, we are fortunate to be a part of this amazing organization I love sponsoring it.
photo credits to Hillary aka SouperGirl, Jenny and Mr Bimble
Finally, we have finally gotten a new sign… 🙂
Graphics, Biz Cards and Website Updated… FYI
Here is a look at FYI Business Consulting & Outsource Services’s new business cards, a simple info-graphic that was included in some marketing campaigns and a screenshot of the website. We recently updated the site with some design work and there will be some more content or copy-writing work completed there soon too. This is a dynamic group of various experts that work together to bring state of the art resources, advice and solutions to business both in house and on-line. I am proud to be part of what is developing here, if you need a cool info-graphic for your business – a simple one like this or something far more dynamic, please call me at 203-444-2172 or send me an email. I am excited to be offering these cool resources to clients now!
FA Learning Solutions has gone LIVE!
Please welcome Frankenberger Associates LIVE with their new interactive website. Their old site was really out dated both graphically and functionally. Sometimes it is hard to get to the work of managing your web presence. Now their site can be viewed on all devices (the old one had a lot of flash elements), it is socially integrated and they are developing a good following with their newsletter & blog. Plus, now their graphics are engaging and visually tell their story rather than working against their messaging. We did quite a bit of training together, social media graphics and business cards too. We are all really pleased with the results. Congratulations to Ted & Caryl! It is so great to see their web site working for them rather than against them.
LIVE site →
Global Sport Connection – New LIVE website!
Congratulations to Global Sport Connection as they begin to bring their official work and their new website to the world. This site will continue to develop as their enrolled athletes begin to work with the group securing enrollment at Colleges and Universities in the USA. This site has a lot of premium functionality including membership, mobile responsiveness, custom graphics, and much much more. We were also able to create some beautiful business cards, giant trade-show graphics and awesome social media integrations and imagery as well. Look to see this site develop in the coming weeks and months too.
LIVE site →
Running Shirt Graphics for 2013 – The Bluff 50K & The Bash 10K
I just completed the logo/graphic for The Bluff 50K for Mr Bimble. This graphic will be used on high performance race shirts for all of the runners participating this year. I am hoping for black shirts … we shall see!
Here is a look at The Bash graphic form 2013 too…
Live site: →We also gave the website a makeover this last month. It is now mobile responsive and cleaner and more beautiful than ever. See the preview below…
Live site: →
Cheryl Cummin’s New site is LIVE!
Please help us welcome Cheryl Cummin, LCSW and her new mobile responsive, WordPress, socially interactive and beautifully dynamic website to the internet. We did some training with Cheryl so that she could learn how to update her own site. She can now manage her new blog and all of her content ‘in house’! We will continue to assist her as she begins to create an E-Newsletter and develops a mailing list for her area of expertise.
Please contact us here at the studio if you want to begin to manage your web presence like Cheryl, congratulations Cheryl!
Live View →
Website Before & After for The Guilford Land Conservation Trust
It has been three and 1/2 years since we created The Guilford Land Conservation Trust site. Over the weekend we gave them a make-over!
The objective was to update the look, make the design responsive to viewing from mobile devices and to also add a secure (HTTPS) connection when completing the on-line donation or membership forms. There are still a few additions to make…
Please contact us if you want to get a new website or if you want to update your logo, web/print graphics or social media graphics.
Here are a couple of screenshots but please visit the site if you want to see it on you phone/tablet/big screen →
Notice the cool background imagery working here now…. a bit more color too.