Meet Sophie our new developer/designer in training. Sophie is many things here at the studio. She is a founding member & contributing editor at The SLAM, she is the amazing daughter of Lisa & Jack Caldwell from The Frame Shop on Wall Street and she was also immortalized in a commission portrait (drawing) I created many, many years ago of her when she was merely 2 years old, it was commissioned by her loving Grandfather Pete Somers. I will look for a photo of that drawing to show you- it was a creative rendering and expressive gesture. Sophie Caldwell is the new intern here at C & D Studios. She will be doing a lot of web and graphics training while building a cool new instructional video library on this website. We are creating a series of very short WordPress instructional screen-cast videos for everyone. She is also working hard at developing The SLAM which is in its infancy. We created some sweet T-Shirt designs today and prepared to feature more great artwork next week. Welcome Sophie!